
Living Sustainably.

1.Going green is a way for people to help the environment, to keep it clean.

2. I don't really have alot of freedom because if i did i would be able to do whatever i want,and i don't think any parent will give their kid all the freedom they want. Like the one of the things that i was allowed to do was get my lip pierced,with my parents permission :) but also if teens get to much freedom they think thy can do whatever they want,like drink,do drugs,noy study,and other stuff like that. I don't get the freedom i want,but i'm fine with it. At least i can do somethings :D

3. I already am living more sustainably, cause when you go green you are helping the environment and me and my family are already do that. We recycle everything,and we don't waste water,and we do a bunch of other stuff that helps the earth :)

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