
Calliope Part II

1.Anthropomorphism, Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. On page 82 it talks about when a group of people go out to find a place of their own,like they're own territory. And Ishmael said "This anthropomorphism leads to much confusion" so he probably means that the humans behavior and characteristics leads to a lot of confusion. He also compares humans to animals, like when an animal tries to find it's own territory, both want a place for their own.

a) On page 88 he Ishmael says "As with the Bawks, whose competition is troop against troop, competition among the Cawks is tribe against tribe. In this area we notice that a new strategy is in play in addition to the ones We're familiar with,this might be described as a strategy of erratic retaliation.
Give as good as you get, but don't be too predictable"
so what he's saying is that they don't fight over things, That's what I think hes saying.

b) I think it's a way to keep from fighting, which is always better.

c) I think they just doin't want to destroy eachother, that's why they just do occasional attcks.

1 comment:

Anthony Robles said...

I like how you point out where you find supporting evidence for your claim-"On page 82 it talks about when a group of people go out to find a place of their own,like they're own territory."