
My Hero: animal activists

My Heros are animal activists because they think its wrong to kill animals,and hurt them. They say that animals need rights too,and they want to help them. Alot of people are animal activists so i couldn't just choose one.
Animal activists speak for the animals cause animals can't speak! (its true) they know how the animal feels.

alot of people don't care about animals,they say that animals are made for food! Thats really stupid cause we don't need meat to survive,and alot of farms beat animals really bad! Those people are really stupid. I think that what the animal activists are doing is good,because animals have to be treated good and they shouldn't be killed.


Ms. Charlotte said...

I like that PETA photo. Did that guy jump up on the stage?

marlene burrito said...

that is awesome
i totaly agree
ppl at ranches mistreat animals
so sad!!!
ive experienced it up close and personal